PPE & Personal Care 1 CEU Core
Ended Nov 23, 2021
1 credit
Full course description
This course contains 2 modules. The first is on PPE and protecting yourself from pesticides. To properly apply pesticides, a technician must be aware of the personal
protective equipment, or PPE, required for the application. This course
introduces pest controllers to different types of PPE they
may be required to wear during a pesticide application or pest
management inspection. There is a wide array of examples of PPE in this course. View short,
online videos explaining PPE for each area of the body (head, eyes,
face, mouth, hands and arms, torso and feet).
Anyone applying pesticides should be aware of the importance of
preventing pesticide exposure to themselves, their families, and their
pets by following a few personal care procedures each day. The
information and video links in this Daily Personal Care module provide examples of areas that are commonly
contaminated by pesticides. The course explains methods for the
decontamination of vehicles, application equipment, personal items like
cell phones, and clothing.
This course is approved for 1 CEU of General Standards Core (482) and General Standards Core (487)
Authors: Rebecca Baldwin, Associate Professor; Roberto Pereira, Research Scientist; and Phil Koehler, Professor; Entomology Department, University of Florida